Results for 'Vittorio Scotti Douglas'

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  1. El Conde Cesare de Laugier, un olvidado cronista de los italianos en la Guerra de la Independencia.Vittorio Scotti Douglas - 2006 - El Basilisco 38:31-40.
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  2. Pier Vittorio Aureli, The Project of Autonomy: Politics and Architecture within and against Capitalism.Douglas Spencer - 2009 - Radical Philosophy 153:54.
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    Philosophie der ökologischen Krise: Moskauer Vorträge.Vittorio Hösle - 1994 - C.H.Beck.
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  4. Hegels System.Vittorio Hösle - 1990 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 44 (4):675-679.
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    Alfred Tarski: philosophy of language and logic.Douglas Patterson - 2012 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This study looks to the work of Tarski's mentors Stanislaw Lesniewski and Tadeusz Kotarbinski, and reconsiders all of the major issues in Tarski scholarship in light of the conception of Intuitionistic Formalism developed: semantics, truth, paradox, logical consequence.
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    America in the age of Trump: a bipartisan guide.Douglas E. Schoen - 2018 - New York: Encounter Books. Edited by Jessica Tarlov.
    A comprehensive look at the decline of the United States offers non-ideological remedies on how to overcome national self-doubt, reclaim optimism, and secure a prosperous future for American citizens.
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    From Science Studies to Scientific Literacy: A View from the Classroom.Douglas Allchin - 2014 - Science & Education 23 (9):1911-1932.
  8. A coffee-house conversation on the Turing test.Douglas R. Hofstadter - 1981 - Scientific American.
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  9. Automazione delle reti elettriche di distribuzione e trasferimento internazionale di know how.Vittorio Cecconi, Giuseppe Ricco Galluzzo, Rosario Miceli, Marco Trapanese & Mariano Giuseppe Ippolito - forthcoming - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte.
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  10. Tarski's Conception of Meaning.Douglas Patterson - 2008 - In New essays on Tarski and philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 157--191.
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  11. The Copycat Project.Douglas Hofstadter & Melanie Mitchell - 1995 - In Douglas Hofstadter & Melanie Mitchell, Fluid Concepts and Creative Analogies.
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  12. Knowledge and Scepticism.Douglas Odegard - 1982 - Philosophy 59 (227):133-135.
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    Should Anger Be Encouraged in the Classroom? Political Education, Closed‐Mindedness, and Civic Epiphany.Douglas Yacek - 2019 - Educational Theory 69 (4):421-437.
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    Lawson's Shoehorn, or Should the Philosophy of Science Be Rated 'X'?Douglas Allchin - 2003 - Science & Education 12 (3):315-329.
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  15. John vickrey Van Cleve.Douglas C. Baynton - 1999 - Semiotica 126 (1/4):143-150.
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  16. A propósito de "la moral de la política".Vittorio Hösle - 2014 - Postconvencionales: Ética, Universidad, Democracia 7:182-196.
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  17. On the relationship between mind and brain.Douglas M. Stokes - 1982 - Parapsychology Review 13:22-27.
  18. The persistence of consciousness: Guest editorial.Douglas M. Stokes - 2002 - Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research 96 (1):5-14.
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    Marcuse's Challenge to Education.Douglas Kellner (ed.) - 2009 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Marcuse’s Challenge to Education, a collection of essays by scholars who have explicated his theories accompanied by unpublished lecture notes by Marcuse himself, examines his ground-breaking critique of education as well as his own pedagogical alternatives. This compilation provides an overview of the various themes of Marcuse's challenges to traditional education and connections with ideas of other radical thinkers ranging from Bloch and Freire to Freud and Lacan.
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    Does Aristotle Refute the Harmonia Theory of the Soul?Douglas J. Young - 2013 - Open Journal of Philosophy 3 (1):47-54.
    In Aristotle’s On the Soul he considers and refutes two versions of the harmonia theory of the soul’s relation to the body. According to the harmonia theory, the soul is to the body what the tuning of a musical instrument is to its material parts. Though he believes himself to have entirely dismissed the view, he has not. I argue that Aristotle’s hylomorphic account is, in fact, an instance of the harmonia theory.
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  21. The Old Testament in the Gospel Passion Narratives.Douglas J. Moo - 1983
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  22. Philosophical Adventures.Douglas Kellner - unknown
    While Nietzsche is notorious for seeing philosophy as a mode of autobiographical confession, other philosophers, such as Habermas, see philosophy as a discipline of rigorous argumentation and theory construction that constitutes a form of discourse to be sharply separated from literature and narrative. As with philosophical antinomies, these one-sided positions need to be overcome and we should see philosophy both as a commentary on the times framed by one’s social positionality and life-experiences, and a discursive practice that attempts to produce (...)
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    Two new challenges for the modal account of the progressive.Douglas J. Wulf - 2009 - Natural Language Semantics 17 (3):205-218.
    The progressive in English appears to be inherently modal, due to what Dowty (Word meaning and Montague grammar: The semantics of verbs and times in generative semantics and in Montague’s PTQ, 1979) terms the imperfective paradox. In truth-conditional accounts, the literal truth of a clause with the modal progressive hinges on the possibility of the described outcome. The clause’s truth under such accounts has also been tacitly assumed to describe its felicitous use. Two challenges for this strategy are discussed. First, (...)
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  24. H.G. Wells, Biotechnology, and Genetic Engineering: A Dystopic Vision.Douglas Kellner - unknown
    "Sometimes I call this reality Science, sometimes I call it Truth. But it is something we draw by pain and effort out of the heart of life, that we disentangle and make clear. Other men serve it, I know, in art, in literature, in social invention, and see it in a thousand different figures, under a hundred names... I do not know what it is, this something, except that it is supreme.".
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    The Incommensurability of Research Risks and Benefits: Practical Help for Research Ethics Committees.Douglas K. Martin, Eric M. Meslin, Nitsa Kohut & Peter A. Singer - 1995 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 17 (2):8.
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    Going to School with Friedrich Nietzsche: The Self in Service of Noble Culture.Douglas W. Yacek - 2013 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 33 (4):391-411.
    To understand Nietzsche’s pedagogy of self-overcoming and to determine its true import for contemporary education, it is necessary to understand Nietzsche’s view of the self that is to be overcome. Nevertheless, previous interpretations of self-overcoming in the journals of the philosophy of education have lacked serious engagement with the Nietzschean self. I devote the first part of this paper to redressing this neglect and arguing for a view of the Nietzschean self as an assemblage of ontologically basic affects which have (...)
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  27. Jean Baudrillard (1929-2007) : A Critical Overview.Douglas Kellner - 2009 - In Ryan Bishop, Baudrillard now: current perspectives in Baudrillard studies. Cambridge: Polity.
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  28. La poesía como un preludio a la filosofía: algunas reflexiones sobre un poema tardío de Borges [Poetry as a Prelude to Philosophy: Some Reflections on a Late Poem of Borges].Douglas Mcdermid - 2005 - Dianoia 50 (54):123-140.
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  29. Scottish Common Sense and American Pragmatism.Douglas McDermid - 2015 - In Gordon Graham, Scottish Philosophy in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
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  30. Introduction.Douglas Patterson - 2008 - In New essays on Tarski and philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Integrating Ethics and Patient Safety: The Role of Clinical Ethics in Quality Improvment (vol 20, pg 220, 2009).Douglas J. Opel, Dena Brownstein, Douglas S. Diekema, Benjamin S. Wilfond & Robert A. Pearlman - 2009 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 20 (4):370-370.
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  32. Pseudohistory and pseudoscience.Douglas Allchin - 2004 - Science & Education 13 (3):179-195.
  33. Censuring the Teutonic Philosopher? Henry More’s Ambivalent Appraisal of Jacob Böhme.Douglas Hedley - 2018 - Aries: Journal for the Study of Western Esotericism 18 (1):54-74.
    This essay examines Henry More’s engagement with Jacob Böhme and compares the sympathetic critique of Böhme with More’s much more negative evaluation of Spinoza. More directs his criticism of Böhme at the similarities between Spinoza and Böhme: their materialism and confusion of God and world. The present essay suggests, however, that the perception of shared Platonism informs More’s more favourable approach to the Silesian. The problem of what “Platonism” means in this context is thus also addressed. Böhme’s writings were valued (...)
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  34. The History of Evil IV: The History of Evil in the 18th and 19th Centuries.Douglas Hedley (ed.) - forthcoming - Acumen Publishing.
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    Hope's Promise for Christians in the Not Yet and In Between.Douglas V. Henry - 2011 - Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 14 (3):104-132.
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    Soul as Structure: Plato and Aristotle on the Harmonia Theory.Douglas Young - unknown
    We are conscious beings who think, understand, feel and perceive. We are also material beings composed out of ordinary material stuff. Determining the precise connections between the psychological and the material remains problematic. The harmonia theory is one of the first attempts to frame this as a problem about composite objects. The theory itself is simple: the soul is the harmonia of the material parts of the body. But what a harmonia is and what the theory amounts to are matters (...)
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  37. The evolution of morality.Douglas Allchin - 2009 - Evolution 2 (4):590-601.
    Here, in textbook style, is a concise biological account of the evolution of morality. It addresses morality on three levels: moral outcomes (behavioral genetics), moral motivation or intent (psychology and neurology), and moral systems (sociality). The rationale for teaching this material is addressed in Allchin (2009). Classroom resources (including accompanying images and video links) and a discussion of teaching strategies are provided online at:
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  38. Haunted Quantum Entanglement.Douglas M. Snyder - unknown
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  39. Jonathan Edwards and the Ministry of the Word: A Model of Faith and Thought.Douglas A. Sweeney - 2009
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  40. In the Wilderness: The Doctrine of Defilement in the Book of Numbers.Mary Douglas - 1993
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  41. Berkeley, God, and Explanation.Douglas M. Jesseph - 2005 - In Christia Mercer, Early Modern Philosophy: Mind, Matter, and Metaphysics. New York, US: Oxford University Press.
    This paper analyzes Berkeley's arguments for the existence of God in the Principles of Human Knowledge, Three Dialogues, and Alciphron. Where most scholarship has interpreted Berkeley as offering three quite distinct attempted proofs of God's existence, I argue that these are all variations on the strategy of inference to the best explanation. I also consider how this reading of Berkeley connects his conception of God to his views about causation and explanation.
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    The Nietzsche Dictionary.Douglas Burnham - 2015 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Nietzsche is not difficult to read, but he is famously difficult to understand. This is because of the bewildering array of words, phrases or metaphors that he uses. The Nietzsche Dictionary aims to help, by giving readers a road map to Nietzsche's language, and thus how his terminology and images relate together, forming an overall philosophical picture. The Dictionary also includes synopses of Nietzsche's key works, and short articles on the main philosophical and cultural influences leading up to, and resulting (...)
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    Hesiodus. Theogonia; Opera et Dies; Scutum.Douglas Young, Hesiod, Friedrich Solmsen, R. Merkelbach & M. L. West - 1973 - American Journal of Philology 94 (2):188.
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    The Two Sides of Mimesis: Girards Mimetic Theory, Embodied Simulation and Social Identification.Vittorio Gallese - 2009 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 16 (4):21-44.
    Crucial in Girard's Mimetic Theory is the notion of mimetic desire, viewed as appropriative mimicry, the main source of aggressiveness and violence characterizing our species. The intrinsic value of the objects of our desire is not as relevant as the fact that the very same objects are the targets of others' desire. One could in principle object against such apparently negative and one-sided view of mankind, in general, and of mimesis, in particular. However, such argument would misrepresent Girard's thought. Girard (...)
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  45. Eliade's Legacy 25 Years Later: A Critical Tribute.Douglas Allen - 2011 - International Journal on Humanistic Ideology 4 (2):15-28.
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  46. Nelson Goodman and Catherine Z. Elgin, Reconceptions in Philosophy and Other Arts and Sciences Reviewed by.Douglas Arrell - 1990 - Philosophy in Review 10 (8):313-316.
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  47. Metalogical Studies in Sixth-Century Buddhist Proto-Metalogic From the Sanskrit and Chinese Texts of the Nyayapravesa: Or Unpacking Ordinary Sanskrit.Douglas Dunsmore Daye - 1972 - Dissertation, The University of Wisconsin - Madison
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  48. Philosophers on Rhetoric: Traditional and Emerging Views.Donald G. Douglas - 1973 - Skokie, Ill., National Textbook Co..
    Johnstone, H. W., Jr. Rhetoric and communication in philosophy.--Smith, C. R. and Douglas, D. G. Philosophical principles in the traditional and emerging views of rhetoric.--Wallace, K. R. Bacon's conception of rhetoric.--Thonssen, L. W. Thomas Hobbes's philosophy of speech.--Walter, O. M., Jr. Descartes on reasoning.--Douglas, D. G. Spinoza and the methodology of reflective knowledge in persuasion.--Howell, W. S. John Locke and the new rhetoric.--Doering, J. F. David Hume on oratory.--Douglas, D. G. A neo-Kantian approach to the epistomology of (...)
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    John Locke on Reflection: A Phenomenology Lost.Douglas Rabb - 1988 - Philosophie Et Culture: Actes du XVIIe Congrès Mondial de Philosophie 4:79-84.
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  50. Aristotle and the Defense of the Law of Contradiction.Douglas S. Rasmussen - 1973 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 54 (2):149.
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